Due to the recent outbreak of COVID-19, many of our vulnerable clients living in unit blocks, have felt that not everyone was partaking in social distancing while using shared areas and entering and leaving their unit blocks. They rallied together and approved extra measures within their units which included closing down the use of the pools, Gyms and other common areas. They just needed more signage to get the stay at home message out to more tenants.
When these clients shared these concerns with us. Our team and nurses volunteered to help, and have created handy posters that can be printed and displayed in your unit, facility or shared areas to continue to share the message of staying at home and therefore reducing the risk of infection spread for people living in shared areas and units.
For all Vital Customers and Clients, you can contact us and we will arrange to have these signs printed and laminated for you to display in your community.
To join this campaign against COVID -19, you can download, print and display where required.
If your location does not have a pool you can use this sign here:
If your location has a pool onsite, you can use this sign here: