What is the NDIS & Am I Eligible For The NDIS Funding?

In this short video, we explain what the NDIS is and how you can find out if you are eligible for funding.

Understanding the NDIS – What is the NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme or NDIS for short is a relatively new system of support available to people with disability, their families and carers. The NDIS is a national scheme supported by both the national and participating state and territory governments.

The NDIS is designed to support Australians under 65 who have permanent and significant disabilities and for many people, it will be the first time they receive disability support.

The NDIS attempts to take a lifetime approach to care by helping people early on in life to improve their longer-term outcomes.

The NDIS is not a system of welfare but rather a network that can provide people with information as well as connect them with various support groups such as specialist doctors, nursing services like Vital as well as support groups.

What does the NDIS cover?

In terms of what the NDIS does cover, funding is available under three main categories:

  1. Capital funding is for purchasing one-off items such as equipment.
  2. Capacity funding for skill-building and core funding which covers day to day support such as personal care and nursing.
  3. Core funding support that enables a participant to complete activities of daily living and enables them to work towards their goals and meet their objectives

Vital home health services are registered under the NDIS Quality and safeguards commission for the provision of services including Community nursing, household tasks, assistance with daily personal activities, life stage assistance, life skill development and high support coordination.

If you are eligible for the NDIS, the first step is often to call the NDIS and make an Access request. You may also call us directly to help you navigate the system to provide you with access to the supports and services you are funded for.

It is important to note if you feel your plan does not include the appropriate level of support and care, you can request a review from the NDIS.

For more information about Vital’s services as a registered NDIS provider please contact us online or give us a call on 1800 717 384.